A short story for kids.

Once upon a time, in a world much like ours, the weather started to change. Summers became hotter, storms stronger, and seas rose, covering lands where people used to live. The toughest leader, named Sam, controlled the last of the Earth's energy resources—oil, gas, and coal. He liked being in charge and didn't want to change.
As the Earth struggled, people moved to find safer homes, but they often found angry faces instead of welcoming ones. Meanwhile, Sam built tall walls around his land and secret underground hideouts for his friends. He also built special lifeboats, designed to save only a few from the rising waters. "These will keep us safe," he thought, "while others struggle."
But a brave girl named Jane had a different idea. She had lost her home to the rising seas and wanted everyone to be safe together. Jane met a brilliant young scientist named Fer, who developed a special AI. This AI helped them analyze important data, to show how rising temperatures and sea levels would affect even Sam.
With the help of AI, Jane and Fer created maps and graphs that revealed the effects of climate change. They shared these visualizations far and wide, explaining how working together could help save the planet. We don’t need just a few lifeboats,' Jane said. 'We can design bigger rafts where everyone can sail safely together, in a way that ensures the raft lasts and never sinks!
Jane gathered friends who shared her dream of a fairer world. Together, they planted trees, reduced waste, and showed others how to change their ways to care for the Earth. They said, 'Let's work together to save our planet. Let’s tell Sam that we do not want to drown, and we do not want him to hide anymore!' Slowly, people began to listen. The world started to change for the better. Even Sam realized that sharing and working together were more important than controlling everything— for himself, his business, his family, and the world.
In the end, they learned that instead of fighting for the last lifeboats, they could build bigger rafts where everyone could sail safely together. And with AI’s help, they made sure these rafts were designed to protect the whole planet, not just a few people. They all lived happily ever after. The end(?)